The 2.5 Fiero originally came with one fuel injector in
the throttle body, and only used 9 to 15 psi of fuel
pressure. I had always wanted to convert the fuel
system over to multiport or multipoint injection. I had seen in an Edelbrock catalog a multiport conversion for throttle body injected truck where they just hooked up four injectors to the original wiring for each tbi injector. The resistance of the tbi injector in the truck was high enough than four injectors hooked up in parallel would still be within specification. The Fiero 2.5 tbi used a much lower resistance so I couldn't just hook up four injectors, time to modify the circuit. My thought was to build a circuit like the first picture. Then I started to wonder what if the circuit failed? So I redesigned the circuit as in the second picture, I figured that if one part failed the engine will still run on three cylinders and I could still get home. Obviously not being an electronic whiz I am not sure if these circuits are correct, or will actually function as intended, but they should be cheap enough to build that I could test them fairly easily, if I have the time. Then I started to wonder if I could apply these circuits
to the ignition system. I had been reading about the individual coils the GM has been using on their trucks that put out around 60,000v and wanted to use them on my car, but they are triggered differently, the LS series coils use a +5v signal and my current system uses a 12v grounding circuit. So I drew up this circuit in the third picture. I believe that this will work, I am unsure as to length of operation or heat build up in the components, in fact I am not even sure which components to use, too many variables. Guess I just created more work for myself.